Orders through Quick Strike are shipped by Australia Post.
Shipping estimates are therefore provided through the Australia Post website once the shipment has left our warehouse at which point you will receive a notification. Please note that Quick Strike is not responsible for items lost in transit caused by Australia post - we do offer optional insurance with shipping at checkout to fully cover you in the event if your parcel is lost
Shipping Within Australia
Domestic shipping is completed by Australia Post.
Expected delivery time for domestic shipping is 3 - 6 business days (except WA which could take up to 7 business days).
Expected delivery time for express shipping is 1 - 3 business days (except WA which could take up to 4 business days).
Shipping Outside Australia
International shipping is completed by Australia Post.
Expected delivery time is dependent on the country and the selected shipping type.
Local Delivery
Local delivery will be arranged within 3 business days of your order.
Local delivery will be arranged via a phone call to the number provided at checkout.
Returns Policy
Unfortunately at this time, we do not accept returns or exchanges. All sales are final. However, there are certain circumstances which can warrant a refund.If you are concerned about sizing, please feel free to email us at before your purchase or check our size guide. We will gladly provide you with the best information possible, but please note that comfort preferences vary for each person and by purchasing you agree that we are not in any way responsible if the size does not fit. If any product that has a red Quick Strike zip tie attached has the tag damaged or removed we will not accept ANY returns whatsoever.
If you have a problem with an item purchased through our online store, send an email to
Quick Strike reserves the right to provide refunds when necessary. Each situation will be judged on a 'case-by-case' basis.