Pre-Orders are expected to be in stock 10 December 2021, once in stock they will be shipped to you.
If you do want a refund before the release date there will be a restocking fee of 10% due to payment provider fees.
If you have purchased in stock and pre order items all stock will be held until the pre order is fulfilled unless extra shipping is paid.
A Treasure Chest Packed with Pokémon!
This sturdy metal case contains more than a dozen special Pokémon goodies, including many not found anywhere else.
The Pokémon Trading Card Game: Celebrations Collector Chest includes:
• 6 Pokémon TCG: Celebrations 4-card booster packs
• 2 additional Pokémon TCG booster packs
• 3 foil promo cards featuring Mimikyu δ, Light Toxtricity, and Hydreigon C!
• A cool Pokémon coin
• 4 colorful sticker sheets
• A mini portfolio to store your favorite cards
• A Pokémon notepad
• An information sheet
• A code card for the Pokémon TCG Online